Hi I'm Gabe, an Electrical Engineer, builder, and creative. My focus is on electric machines and power electronics, but my passion lies in bringing ideas to life. I'm driven by the pursuit of quality, functionality, and beauty in my work, from engineering projects to hobbies like photography and home renovation.
I am currently building out this website and updating often. Take a look around to see what I've been working on!
“Be guided by beauty . . . it can be the way a company runs, or the way an experiment comes out, or the way a theorem comes out, but there’s a sense of beauty when something is working well, almost an aesthetic to it.”
— Jim Simons
My Story:
My childhood was spent in Flagstaff, Arizona as a curious homeschooled kid. My parents made an effort to give me many incredible experiences in the outdoors of the southwest. Having mountains in my backyard is something I have missed ever since. I grew up playing violin and engaged in many different methods of creativity. A unique aspect of being homeschooled was everyday we had to spend 1.5 hours in our rooms (no electronics) to give the teacher (mom) a break. I believe this was a formative experience for my future. Legos, Ken’X, snaps circuits, and designing cars were common ways I filled this time.
I moved to Indiana near Purdue when I was in middle school and I started going to public school at this time. A lot of my free time was spent working on my grandparents farm. I’ve looked back on how it was around this time that I also developed some entrepreneurial motives as well. I wanted to process gold from old computer parts to melt it down and sell as raw material. In high school I really enjoyed physics and math, but wasn’t yet sure if engineering was for me.
My time at Purdue started in IT, but I became bored and didn’t feel like I had much in common with my classmates. Through a few lucky interactions I was directly admitted into the EE school at Purdue. EE was a big transition and challenge at the beginning, but has transformed me as a person and lead me to where I am now.
I feel that this unconventional path has given me a unique set of skills that allow me to very cross functional and a strong contributor to any team.